Andy, I don't get what you want to achieve... Am 28.03.2008 um 14:17 schrieb Andy Chambers:
My model consists of a family tree of objects all of which have an xhtml ruled cell. The client needs to be updated if the value of this slot has changed. However, a change in one would cascade up the tree so if we were logging these changes, and sending them down to the client, one of the things we send would be the entire document which is not what we want.
How do I set up the observer to log the change only if it has not been accounted for already.
Is it: A kid's observer is firing due to a change but that change should not be reaching the client because the parent's observer's firing is enough for the (web) client to react to? If so, you could suppress the sending of a web client update when *parent* is bound and is not nil (this is meant to mean: I have a parent, so I am a kid. As a kid I don't need to update the client). ??? Frank