Laziz Foo wrote:
While you are waiting for a genuine GTk person to respond, all I can say is that it looks as if the code in CFFI that automatically tries to do the right thing with Lisp data to get it into a form the C function will tolerate is failing to do the right thing. Since this code is pretty common/well tested, all I can think is that perhaps a recompile in and around the specific function gtk-window-set-title (gwst) might do the trick. Or just bail on your Lisp, restart, then do a full rebuild from scratch (ASDF :force t) IIRC. Possibly during your brave struggles (congrats on making it this far, btw) you got one thing compiled before something else and the order should have been the opposite. pardon the hand-waving.
I presume you are running demo code untouched, or I would worry that "GTK Testing" should be wrapped in with-c-string or something.
Congrats again and thanks for the notes.
With the patch supplied by Ingo, and the widgets.lisp change mentioned in his June email, I'm good to go. Thanks for the kind words, and your entertaining blog entries @ smuglispweenie.
Thanks! So I have lost track, is this Cells-Gtk3 (with Cells 3 Inside) or Oldskool Cells-Gtk? Cells3 integrity clearly is to be preferred, but I miss the good old days of Cells Classic when I just SETfed here and SETFed there and let the data converge /eventually/ on correct values. :) kt