Frank Goenninger DG1SBG wrote:
Dear Cells Users:
Maybe you have come across this also ...
While working on the other challenges I have been telling on this list I am also trying to set-up an authorization model for Cells.
I need to check permissions to Create, Update, Read, and Delete a cell slot. I thought about having hooks on each of these operations such that on every such operation within Cells an "outside function" can be called. These just return t or nil depending on permission check success or failure. As the model outside can be quite different from case to case (app to app) I did not think about implementing this within Cells.
(cells:add-hook 'cells:slot-read slot-reference 'my-permission-check- function)
would install that hook.
I went ahead and made md-slot-value and its setter into generic functions. Not the end of the world performance-wise from brief analysis with ACLs profiler. More study necessary, but my guess is you really want more than this (such as making the hook specific to a slot, as per your add-hook semantics) and it would impact everyone, so I will await further input before exploring this further. Possibly you want a new defmodel slot option? kt