7 Nov
7 Nov
5:34 p.m.
On 11/6/07, Ken Tilton <kennytilton@optonline.net> wrote:
Andy Chambers wrote:
On 11/6/07, Ken Tilton <kennytilton@optonline.net> wrote:
Hmmpph. Too bad Tk does not know about that, we have to unpack and then repack, no simple "visible" flag.
So I think that setting the visible attribute is the way to go.
OK. Don't forget :collapsed (c? (not (^visible))) if that is what you want. (I /think/ collapsed works in the Tk bit.)
grepping the Celtk source, I can't find anything about collapsed (although it does appear in the cells geometer class. I can't find anything in the tk docs about collapse either. Should I inherit from the geometer class itself to get this or am I missing the point entirely. -- Andy