Just killed about six hours on this: app ran fine when I built using the ACL project manager. Then I built with ASDF just to confirm the ASD files were complete. Suddenly the demo (the lighting panel) looked black and white, tho yellow check marks still appeared yellow. Quite a few hours into the show I discover the light positioner, if clicked, starts to bring things back to normal. But it starts as if it were uninitialized. Also, a few more clicks like this and we lose the whole IDE. Finally at hour six one of the monkeys accidentally changes the: (declaim (optimize...) at the top of the asd files to match the project manager defaults, and we are back in business. Under ACL/win32, that is, with less-than-optimal optimize settings. Which tells me... I got serious FFI declaration issues. I have been aware for some time that ACL can be very forgiving in this regard, and now I am guessing that goes away as the speed optimization gets cranked. So the good news is that I just need to crank the settings and then I should be able to debug my ffi work within ACL, my strongest environment. The upshot for porters is that their compilers may not be as helpful as ACL's, even with the safest and slowest settings. In fact, maybe I should test under Lispworks. That consistently broke on things ACL could handle, but it always turned out ACL had been letting me get away with murder. Well, ACL /is/ my strongest platform, and I have found a way it seems to make it less forgiving, so I may as well stay here until it all works with the toughest of settings, then see if LW is any less forgiving. There is no harm in trying if you manage to get a clean build and shared libs loaded and callbacks from C into Lisp working, but if the lighting panel comes up black and white (no apparent shading) and no spinning object (teapot)--bingo. btw, that apparent b&W is just bogus values for the ambience for the light. ambience is even lighting across a scene, so wicked bright ambience brings everything into high contrast. I will shortly put up CelloGlut.zip with this issue unresolved. The optimizations in the source /have/ been eased to make AllegroCL work when built via ASDF, but what your compiler does with what I am guessing is bad FFI work may still break things. kt -- http://tilton-technology.com Why Lisp? http://alu.cliki.net/RtL%20Highlight%20Film Your Project Here! http://alu.cliki.net/Industry%20Application