Thomas F. Burdick wrote:
Kenny Tilton writes:
And the good news is that they do not undergo evolutionary development over time, so they can just be replicated into a serious module and forgotten.
Well, yes. But if everything's already using Cells, it can't hurt to put it there. Unless you plan on releasing a major Cells-free package, in which case I guess it would want its own copy.
Yeah, I am thinking cl-opengl, cl-openal, cl-ftgl, cl-magick and cl-anythingelseiamforgetting are all worthy standalone projects.
hmmmm. well, if we are going to upset the applecart we may as well do it all at once:
cells out from under cell-cultures to be a toplevel module in the cells project (and eventually the only one). hello-c into its own c-l.net project (if c-l.net approves) utils-kt replicated redundantly into... uh-oh. who exports it?! <sigh> OK, let's have cells export those functions. cello back over to the cello project cell-cultures sleeps with the fish
all those in favor? opposed?
I'd like to see utils-kt go in a cells/utils-kt subdirectory, but keep its own package.
That way there's only one point in cvs to keep up-to-date, and Cello and cells-gtk can use it, but Cells users don't have to.
Weekend before last, I was going to put the new asdf-installable Cells release up on c-l.net, but I've managed to forget my gpg password, so I can't sign it. If it doesn't come to me over the next little while, I'll give up and make a new key.
This is the only feedback I have gotten. This is insufficient pestering. <g> The Open Source Fairy is dead. I am working now on my proprietary stuff and want to concentrate on it long enough to build that kind of momentum that has me waking up at 6am and stumbling to the keyboard to pick up where I left off. The next window of opportunity is on or about May 10th. Pester now or forever hold your peace. :) kenny -- Cells? Cello? Cells-Gtk?: http://www.common-lisp.net/project/cells/ Why Lisp? http://lisp.tech.coop/RtL%20Highlight%20Film "Doctor, I wrestled with reality for forty years, and I am happy to state that I finally won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd