David Arroyo wrote:
What is the current state of Cello? I can't find the code on common-lisp.net, but I think it's an interesting project and I'd like to help in any way I can. I doubt I can help with the code itself but I can write docs and the like.
But first I need to find the code :)
Try starting from the c-l.net home page and clicking on "repositories" and using the viewcvs interface to get to (a) the cello project and then (b) a tarball (or if you are good at CVS just do it the usual way. Cello/Celtk is in steady use and I am in danger of Actually Releasing in a week or three a big application built atop it. aka, (eq state 'alive-and-well). btw, if you really do get interested and involved I think you can see the first thing the project needs is a maintainer. :) I update CVS on occasion from my code base but do not have the extra time required of serious open source. But first things first: let's see if you can build the fricking thing (estimated at two weeks effort recently by someone who would know). thx for the interest, kenny ps. I cc'ed cells-devel cuz that is where most of the Cellsers coagulate. k