Andy Chambers wrote:
On 11/6/07, Ken Tilton <kennytilton@optonline.net> wrote:
Andy Chambers wrote:
On 11/6/07, Ken Tilton <kennytilton@optonline.net> wrote:
Hmmpph. Too bad Tk does not know about that, we have to unpack and then repack, no simple "visible" flag.
So I think that setting the visible attribute is the way to go.
OK. Don't forget :collapsed (c? (not (^visible))) if that is what you want. (I /think/ collapsed works in the Tk bit.)
grepping the Celtk source, I can't find anything about collapsed (although it does appear in the cells geometer class. I can't find anything in the tk docs about collapse either. Should I inherit from the geometer class itself to get this or am I missing the point entirely.
Hmmm, come to think of it, if you are doing vanilla Celtk (not Cello) collapsed might not apply. I /think/ simply making, say, the middle widget of three invisible would cause it to be unpacked (there being no way to say "invisible" in Tk) and then packing would scrunch the ends together simply because there would be no middle. Sorru for the headfake. kt