Thanks. I built your stuff against aserve, and the build looks OK. I did change a few 'request' references to be 'req' which was used other places, hope that was right.
(defun test-page-allegro (path resource-class) (lambda (req ent) (with-http-response (req ent) (with-http-body (req ent) (let ((root (or (cdr (get-cookie-values req "root")) (not (print "creating new web-app...")) (mk-web-app (:prefix path :request (c-in req)) (make-instance resource-class :fm-parent *parent*))))) (set-cookie-header req :name "root" :value root) (funcall (handler root)))))))
I also had a bunch of errors on RELOAD, but I am guessing that one is for hunchentoot.
I can start allegroserve OK and I have gone thru their tutorial and got those to work anyway.
I ran this function:
(defun reload-allegro () (publish-prefix :prefix "/apropos" :function (test-page-allegro "/apropos" 'web-apropos)))
Went well.
Guessing based on the aserve tutorial, I went to my browser and went to
No error but no result, no print messages.
What would be the sequence you would expect to work? Do I have to create a particular directory structure and put different things different places and/or modify any of the test code to point different places?
I'd have been surprised if it did work actually. Until last night, I didn't have aserve installed. I did that last night and can confirm the lack of output you were seeing. I was getting some errors being written to standard out though so I worked through a couple of these. By default, aserve catches errors so to turn debugging on, you've got to (net.aserve::debug-on :notrap) If you want to hang on till later tonight, I'll give you another zip that should work (that's also been updated to use the name openair rather than hunchncells). -- Andy