Hi all: I do have a strange behaviour of a small code snippet ...: (the used macro with-html-output is from CL-WHO - see http:// www.weitz.de/cl-who - it generates HTML markup) (defmacro as-html (&body body) `(with-html-output (*standard-output*) ,@body)) (defmodel simple (family) ((slot-1 :accessor slot-1 :initform (c-in nil) :initarg :slot-1)) (:default-initargs :value (c? (as-html (:h1 (^slot-1)))))) Now when inspecting the result of (make-instance 'simple :slot-1 "Hi") I get no value back for slot-1 but simply see <h1></h1> ... - what the f*ck am I doing wrong ??? Inspecting the instance reveals: SIMPLE15 is a standard-object. [type: SIMPLE] -------------------- Class: #<STANDARD-CLASS SIMPLE> .MD-STATE: :AWAKE .AWAKEN-ON-INIT-P: NIL .CELLS: ((.KIDS . =0/.KIDS/SIMPLE15])) .CELLS-FLUSHED: ((.VALUE . <vld>=1/.VALUE/SIMPLE15])) ADOPT-CT: 0 .MD-NAME: SIMPLE15 .FM-PARENT: NIL .VALUE: "</h1>" ZDBG: NIL .KID-SLOTS: NIL .KIDS: NIL SLOT-1: "Hallo" Hunh? Slot ".value" is "</h1>" ?? Any help really appreciated ... Oh - ah - this is going to be part of marrying Cells with Edi Weitz's Hunchentoot Web Server (see http://www.weitz.de/hunchentoot ) Thx!!! Cheers - Frank