After reflecting on Raistlin's input, and my previously expressed interest in breaking Cello up into discrete components, I suddenly recalled that the nehe-14.lisp demo did not even require Cells. It was a pure test of Lisp+UFFI+Freeglut+OpenGL. That alone would be useful to many, so I think I will tackle that when I get back from the gym. I will test it under ACL62 and ACL501, as well as whatever LW and Trial versions will run it, then make it available by FTP. Sorry for spamming the Cells list with this, but we still do not have a second working platform, so Cello does not yet exist. By the end of the week this will be resolved. Hell, if we get PortaGlut working on other platforms I will apply for a new project on common-lisp.net. kt -- http://tilton-technology.com Why Lisp? http://alu.cliki.net/RtL%20Highlight%20Film Your Project Here! http://alu.cliki.net/Industry%20Application