Am 11.04.2008 um 21:45 schrieb Ken Tilton:
Frank Goenninger wrote:
Am 11.04.2008 um 18:19 schrieb Ken Tilton:
"I had to /move/ the js directory to the toplevel of my drive and rename the jsquery.what.ever.js as you suggested because of the symlink issue."
FG probably does not have the symlink issue. How about a toplevel / js?
No, I don't have the issue (I am using a mature OS here ;-). Please don't introduce a toplevel /js - this "pollutes" the directory structure... I am installing apps under "/opt/app-name/" - so OpenAIR lives in /opt/common-lisp/openair and the JS directory is /opt/common- lisp/openair/js - works really well.
Hey, I am in monkey-mode over here, I saw the browser asking for "/ js/openair.js" and I made it happen, I am just dying to see (+ cells ajax). Left for another day was whether I could have changed one of a dozen parameters incomprehensible to my monkey mind in order to get the browser to ask for a different file.
Real easy in hunchentoot. Eddi did it again, you know. ;-)
How /are/ your browser/js skills, btw? I will start CCing you on questions that arise in that area in case you are on-line sooner than Andy and can throw me a banana.
Shoot! - Those skills are getting better every hour ... I have done tabs in jQuery now in monkey style and digesting a ton of JS code today... I /am/ a beginner, though. So, you are warned - there will not be an answer for each of your questions... But hey, never too old to have some fun ! ;-) Frank