Andy Chambers wrote:
On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 12:20 PM, Ken Tilton <kennytilton@optonline.net> wrote:
ps. As long as we are discussing Cells or macrology or OpenAIR or Lisp I think we should spam this list until you are ready to start a project on c-l.net for OpenAIR. I am thinking you need more than git, you want mailing list services as well. Or can gitorious do that? Or could c-l.net do git? I might ask later, git looks like fun.
I wondered about that. Sorry to everyone who's on this list but not interested openAIR. I think by the time the apropos demo is ready, I'll start a c.l.net project. Until then, I'll prefix all my openair questions with [openair] on the subject line so you can send them straight to /dev/null if your not interested.
Good idea. But this is a great thread for Cells -- folks subscribed are here only because I won't stop ranting about Cells on c.l.l. Meanwhile almost no one understands the point. Even Peter Seibel said he did not see the point. A project like OpenAIR is a practical application (Peter should understand "practical" <g>) and ideal because it shows Cells doing two things: the usual declarative dataflow between widgets and, two, driving a parallel framework, in this case web browsers. As for pure Cells afficionados, again, driving a hostile framework (I mean simply one that has a mind of its own so we have to adjust to its world view) will lead to some nice blackbelt Cells. eg, the way we used without-c-dependency to minimize output and then did further optimization in the observers was Good Stuff. Then noticing the flaw (grandparent-grandkid) and the ways of resolving it purely with Cells was more blackbeltery, tho with luck we can duck that with an XREF hack to imbue browsers with html object identity. Still, astute observers will get a kick out of how object identity (something any Lisper will honor and cherish) makes the excessive output problem go away (speaking of which, once you do that you can take out the without-c-dependency). kt