Gary Klimowicz wrote:
I did get the files via e-mail last night; that worked fine.
Let me take a look at Corman and/or Clisp. It does look like the Clisp FFI has a way of calling back from C to Lisp, but it might not be dynamic enough to support the kinds of callbacks you need.
I also like the idea of docs/examples help; given the rustiness of my developer skills, I could be over my head on porting.
well then, since you have the "reference platform" acl62/win, you might try the "null port" and just see if you can get it to run over there. if so, track down the function make-starter-w and you'll see something like this: (defun make-starter-w (&key (offset (mkv2 0 0))) (make-instance 'window :md-value (list ;(tu-geo) ;(imagick-test) ;(ftgl-test) ;(make-widgets) (light-panel) ;(cloucell) ) :display-continuous t ...etc I am pretty sure the source as shipped had most of those list items commented out. de-comment to activate any of the various demos. If you activate them all expect a healthy delay when the window opens since all the structure gets built before you see the window the first time. Expect a memory leak forcing you to quit ACL if you play around very long. Then you might want to try playing with the demos to see what changes what. Ideally you have a project in mind we could work on. I like the Black Book approach to documentation, which presumes you have some real world task to do and shows how to get it done all in a few pages, no matter how many different activities are involved. But step one is to achieve the null port. Lemme know how it goes. kenny -- http://tilton-technology.com Why Lisp? http://alu.cliki.net/RtL%20Highlight%20Film Your Project Here! http://alu.cliki.net/Industry%20Application