Kenny Tilton writes:
Thomas F. Burdick wrote:
Kenny Tilton writes:
One issue with CLisp was some crazy defstruct/include/conc-name behavior. Gratuitous noncompliance crap. Hsssss! :) That is why all the Cell defstructs have different conc-names.
I had wondered about that. It did make the SBCL port more "exciting" because there were a couple cases of using a subclass' accessor on a parent class, which SBCL is picky about.
Hmm. I seem to recall this. You could have gone (and can go) ahead and fix any of those. Good for SBCL!
Oh, I certainly fixed them -- if I hadn't, Cells would not be running on SBCL, and the software I delivered for my final two contracts as a consultant wouldn't run.
I had meant to malign the conc-name decision, but I guess I forgot :-)
When I saw you cross swords with Sam or Bruno on c.l.l. over gratuitous differences i thought this issue might be part of it. One of them actually responded to me on this issue and heartily defended their approach. Oh, well. Glad to see their other progress on MOP and FFI. I wonder if they still mess up this concname thing.
Heh, I meant I had intended to malign your non-idiomatic use of conc-names in Cells, not realizing that it was to support CLISP. That's definately on the list of gratuitous incompatabilities I hate in CLISP -- I'm definately interested in seeing how much of this gets fixed. They seem to have grown an interest in being able to bootstrap SBCL, so that should help push them in a compliant direction.