-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear Cells Users: Maybe you have come across this also ... While working on the other challenges I have been telling on this list I am also trying to set-up an authorization model for Cells. I need to check permissions to Create, Update, Read, and Delete a cell slot. I thought about having hooks on each of these operations such that on every such operation within Cells an "outside function" can be called. These just return t or nil depending on permission check success or failure. As the model outside can be quite different from case to case (app to app) I did not think about implementing this within Cells. So (cells:add-hook 'cells:slot-read slot-reference 'my-permission-check- function) would install that hook. Or should I keep this on class level instead of on slot level because of possible impacts on propagation speed and other inner Cells aspects? I'd prefer to get the fine-grained control here and no, I'm not trying to get into the premature optimization game but want to get some basic thoughts straight. Again: Any feedback very welcome! Cheers, Frank -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin) iEYEARECAAYFAkKTcTEACgkQfYXhf9DGKdbaowCfXXtDJ61h9xQUMjkzarsh84f+ hl4AoLNk1dS2C56Slb6VRuYZdL0mvYuV =iwCb -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----