Friedrich Dominicus wrote:
Ok, the learning curve is steep and my idea on what I'm doing is less then basic. However here we go, this is the code (defmodel foobar (model) ((val-1 :cell t :accessor val-1 :initform "" :initarg :val-1) (val-3 :cell t :accessor val-3 :initarg :val-3 :initform (c-in "Initialize"))))
(def-c-output val-1 () (format t "val-1 is ~a, val-3 is ~a~%" (val-1 self) (val-3 self)))
(defun foo-test () (cell-reset) (let ((obj (make-instance 'foobar :val-1 (c? (if (val-3 self) (setf (val-1 self) (val-3 self)) "val-3 not set")))))
Just use: (c? (or (val-3 self) "val-3 not set")) There is also a handy macro for cells of oneself: (c? (or (^val-3) "val-3 not set")) The Cell engine populates the slot at the right time (long story, but the timing is delicate) initially and as val-3 changes. Note that there is a runtime error generated when you attempt to SETF a ruled Cell, as your rule is doing (SETFing itself!), but I think at some point recently I changed things so the error is enforced only if *c-debug* is non-nil. Recall is fuzzy on why I did that. Anyway, the idea is to have a declarative approach in which one supplies a rule for a slot and then the Cells engine takes over and keeps things in synch.
(setf (val-3 obj) "another val-3") (setf (val-3 obj) "yet another val for val-3")) (values))
In this utterly primitive example the val3 slot "steers" the slot-1 slot.
Think of it as slot-1 "following" val3. Note that there is no val-3 logic to change val-1. val-3 does not know anything about val-1. But val-1 has a rule that uses val-3. val-1 could have also used any number of other vals. This is important, and really constitutes the paradigm shift away from a procedural, manual SETFing of other values to a declarative "just worry about the rule for one value at a time".
Translated to my need to sync db-view and "user-view", I assume I have to write model with the two objects in it do the initialization from one side (e.g populating from the database), I probably also have to write a function to feed to the :unchanged (or so slot), if that yiels true, then the view and database data are in sync if not I have to update the database data from the view.
I am afraid you lost me there. "two objects"? "one side"? Maybe once you have absorbed the above correction and otherwise gottten a better understanding of the declarative model we can try some actual unambiguous code using a simple text file as a database, with each line constituting a row in an SQL table. I guess the principle will be the same, and this would be a rather extreme but illuminating Use Case to share with others. Note that the original code I described was proprietary, so we would develop new code from scratch (and I cannot share the old code). -- Kenny Why Lisp? http://wiki.alu.org/RtL_Highlight_Film "I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd, "Harvey", 1950