Peter Denno wrote:
I was over on 6.2 because Cells-Gtk had worked there, and under ACL7 I was getting an obscure error loading the GTK dlls. I have not touched those since playing with cgtk, so I thought maybe the ACL loader was doing something different. Nope, same error on ACL 6.2. So as usual with Windows, nothing makes sense and I am slowly installing the latest GTK+ 2.6.7 family of libs to see if I can get Gtk working itself.
If that succeeds, I will then finish a little libgtkcells VC++ project to build a win32 dll for that and see if I can get the new stuff working.
I'd be real interested in knowing how that goes.
The error persists.Loading libgobject, libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset not found in intl.dll. libintl.h shows that as a valid exported label. That is under ACL7. I am trying also from Lispworks Trial, but that seems to be unhappy with the logical-pathname usage in load.lisp: ASDF reports it cannot find Cells. Anyone have a clue on the INTL issue? I did a fresh install of GIMP, which brings down all the gtk stuff. And the GIMP app itself runs fine. kenny