Kenny Tilton writes:
This is mostly for Thomas who is actually using a couple of features I have added to Keep Other People Happy, but I thought the list would be interested...
Just a plug for lazy rules -- they're really nice when you're using any kind of IPC. Unnecessary network traffic and round trips to the database are bad bad, evil, and bad.
Anyway, it occurs to me the regression test does not include any checking of either lazy cells or unbounditude handling. Speaking of laziness, I probably will not do tests for those on my own, so if you would like Cells II tested out before release for either of those please send along some tests. It would be nice if they worked via cv-assert. Note that in some places I also confirm that an error is produced on deliberate no-nos. You might want to do some of that, too.
I've been a little low on hacking time recently, and have been spending it on Unix IPC examples for comp.lang.lisp, and putting together a well made patch for Araneida (the efforts are related). RTs for unbound cells and laziness are next. In fact, I think a couple tests in the suite for the last app I wrote would be applicable.