Am 06.05.2007 um 00:04 schrieb Josip Gracin:
Frank Goenninger wrote:
You do - yet there is another approach I adopted from Kenny:
Thanks! Now I have to spend some time examining stuff you've written that I've never heard of before (such as with- integrity...). :-)
Also, there doesn't seem to be anything named "defobserver" in the latest asdf-installable cells. Has this become def-c-output perhaps?
You definitely should get the CVS sources from common-lisp.net! See there for how to access the CVS repository... - def-c-output (sort of) became defobserver ... Also, there's a big chance you won't find with-integrity in the asdf-installable sources...
Anyway, I was kind of trying to avoid sub-classing because I have lots of switches. I'll have to re-think that decision.
Yeah, it took some time for me too to take that decision. And it still is very situation/use case-dependent, so there's no "always go that route" rule available, IMO. Still, I don't mind heaving a few hundred classes defined in my Lisp programs (using AllegroCL 8 here). Kenny is surprisingly quiet ... Maybe he's busy taking orders for his new AlgebraOne software ;-) Cheers Frank