Frank Goenninger wrote:
Hi Kenny,
once again a question concerning Cello:
I'd like to know when the mouse pointer is over a certain Cello Widget to do things like changing a button's text color or displaying tooltips or ...
I searched Cello code and found ^mouse-over-p to be coded as part of the mouse-view-tracker model. The class is part of the superclasses of ix-togl of which gnc-togl is derived. Unfortunately the mouse-over- p slot always indicates only the "top1" instance to be the object where the mouse pointer is (all this in flle ix-togl.lisp).
The code calls find-ix-under and mouseview-control indicating that the widget's class has to have the control class in its superclass list ...
So, question is: How to actually detect that a certain object has the mouse pointer over it?
If you still can remember ... ;-)
No, but a little searching suggests mouse-over? has replaced mouse-over-p. Check that out and lemme know if it helps. kt