Hi again: I have my entry widget as posted before: (mk-button-ex ("Change!" (let* ((pmutil-gui (fm^ :pmutil-gui)) (pm (selected-pm pmutil-gui))) (when pm (let ((callsign (fm^v :callsign-entry))) (set-status pmutil-gui +PMUTIL-GUI-STATUS- SETTING-CALLSIGN-IN-PM+) (setf (new-callsign pmutil-gui) (subseq callsign 0 (min (length callsign) +PMIO_MAX_CALLSIGN_LENGTH+) )) (set-status pmutil-gui +PMUTIL-GUI-STATUS- READY+))))) :id :callsign-entry-btn ;; :state (c? (if (pm-selected-p (fm^ :pmutil- gui)) <--- My intended functionality ;; 'enabled ;; 'disbled)) :state (c? (if 1 <-- Simple test 'enabled 'disbled)) :background (c? (background .parent)) :parent-x 589 :parent-y 320 :tile? nil) As soon as I put the :state part in I get the following error: the assertion (NOT (CFFI-SYS:NULL-POINTER-P CTK::SELF-TKWIN)) failed. [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] I wasn't able to get a real trace/debug approach to this one ... I assume this has to do with the order of widget creation. I am sure I have used this before, so I haven't a clue what's wrong there. Oh my ... ?! Any help really appreciated... Frank