Re: [cells-devel] observer design question

Sorry. I keep on sending this stuff to Kenny rather than the list. I've gotta get into the habit of hitting "reply to all" instead of just "reply". On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Andy Chambers <> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 3:15 PM, Ken Tilton <> wrote:
$("#my-id").html("Hello World");
Translated, that means find the html element with id "my-id" and set the html inside it to be "Hello World". If I can just keep track of all the little changes, I'll send a list of these commands to be eval'd on the client.
Coolio. I am about to send something with the OpenGL version to help with some ideas.
Question: Can you feed #my-id to the browser and then reference it later in a page send? Or must it originally arrive as part of a larger X/HTML tree, only after which it can be referred to directly?
If you mean "Do all id's have to be known up front?". The answer is no. The example above could be changed to
$("#my-id").html("<p id=\"my-id2\">some more stuff</p>");
and now we have a new fully fledged node in the DOM with all the rights and privileges of whatever was initially sent.
participants (1)
Andy Chambers