Re: [cells-devel] celtk expander

On Nov 8, 2007 2:20 PM, Ken <> wrote:
Andy Chambers wrote:
On Nov 7, 2007 5:56 PM, Ken Tilton <> wrote:
OK I've got it working nicely now. Cool. You are now certified for Cells /and/ Tk. :) It's mostly the same as I previously posted except the expansion is specified more like a row/stack widget (i.e. you don't have to use :expansion you just put in the widgets). The specified expansion together with the expander button all remain as kids for the life of the widget and an observer on the expanded slot packs/unpacks as necessary.
You had to do your own? I am just wondering if the existing "packing" rule had done reasonable things with the visible/collapsed slots.
There's a kids-packing rule for the frame widgets but it doesn't know about visible or collapsed slots. In fact, I'm pretty sure celtk doesn't know anything about these. The only reference I could find to either was in the gui-geometry bit of cells which doesn't seem to be used by celtk. Grepping through Celtk for either "visible" or "collapse" yields nothing. Maybe this is another celloism? I was thinking about this though as a further change. We could add a visible slot to tk-object and the kids-packing rule could check it while creating its pack statement. I'll get the expander finished first though. Just need to draw the bitmaps on the buttons. Thanks for all your help. Andy
participants (1)
Andy Chambers