Re: Report on Celloglut and ACL 5.0.1 [was [cells-devel] Emailing:

Loading Cloucell.lpr insteads gives a few errors still (not many at all):
*Error Part1* ; While compiling CELLS-TIME-REPORT in c:\dvx\cells\debug.lisp: Warning: EXCL::TIME-REPORT should be given exactly 9 arguments. It was given 8 arguments. Problem detected when processing (EXCL::TIME-REPORT CPU-GC-USER CPU-GC-SYS ...) inside (BLOCK CELLS-TIME-REPORT (TRC "cpu-gc-user" CPU-GC-USER) ...) inside (PROGN (BLOCK CELLS-TIME-REPORT (TRC "cpu-gc-user" CPU-GC-USER) ...))
*Error Part2* in "structure-view" Error: No class named: EXCL::STRUCTURE-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION. [condition type: PROGRAM-ERROR]
Sorry, I forgot about those. I'll nail those now.
*Error Part3* Cannot find c:\dvx\cello\lesson6.lisp. Will skip and continue compiling project.
I am getting confused now, but I think the project to try is just plain cello.lpr. new reorg underway (and last night's distro is definitely for use with cello.lpr--you'll still have the above errors, but they can be swept under the carpet).
Ok running cello.lpr (after having deletead all the fasl files) gives me only *Error Part1* i.e. the time-report error. Again lesson-14 loads fine just after loading. Is there any set of other tests (like lesson-14) that I can run (i.e. without having to read your code to figure out how to write my own tests - which I'll probably do at some other time)? raistlin _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.
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Raistlin Magere