[cells-devel] Fwd: web applications with Cells

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ken Tilton <kentilton@gmail.com> Date: Jul 15, 2006 1:43 PM Subject: Re: web applications with Cells To: "Andrew K. Wolven" <awolven@yahoo.com> On 7/14/06, Andrew K. Wolven <awolven@yahoo.com> wrote:
Do you use allegro?
I think it would be useful to have persistent Cells objects,
yes, I have done that in the past with Allegrostore, may do it someday with Rucksack.
where the slots are indexable. I believe that Cells flat updates contents of all dependent slots on trigger. So you can index the slots.
Anyway, I have made my own javascript-windows-in-a-browser (that look like M$), and then I found a much better javascript object-oriented window system which can do Mac OS X looking windows among other things.
Nice, what is that system?
When the window jumps up, it keeps open a persistent connection (and I'm reading a webpage on how to do this), the server can send information to a listening javascript object.
Sounds like one could deliver a serious web app with that.
So lets say you have three windows open, two are of the exaclty the same object and one different one. From the different one, you drag and drop the contents of a slot into a slot of one of the two same objects. The second same object needs to know how to update, right? [this is just a *simple* example] Javascript does an HTTP request to the server to tell it that it has been updated, and how. Cells then changes the real object in persistent clos/cells, the dependent objects then serve *back* to the javascript object in the browser to update.
Sounds right.
It could be cool. I don't see how to do it with lazy evaluation efficiently.
Why do you want it to be lazy? And your sentence is confusing. "Lazy" would not be inefficient, it would make things harder to program. Puzzled. kt
participants (1)
Ken Tilton