[cells-devel] Re: [cells-cvs] CVS update: cells/cells.lpr cells/fm-utilities.lisp cells/md-utilities.lisp

Kenny Tilton writes:
+(defmacro defparts (partName (partClass &rest partDefArgs) + &optional customArgs customValuesList + &rest commonArgPairs) + (assert (null partDefArgs)) + (let ((part-no (gensym)) + (cvls (gensym))) + `(loop with ,cvls = (list ,@customValuesList) + for ,part-no below ,(max 1 (length customValuesList)) + for custom-values = (elt ,part-no cvs) + collecting (make-instance ',partClass + :md-name ',partName + ,@(loop for arg in customargs + for n below (length customargs) + nconcing (list arg `(elt ,n custom-values))) + ,@commonArgPairs))))
Hmm, not sure I get what this parts stuff is about. Something interesting? -- /|_ .-----------------------. ,' .\ / | Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! | ,--' _,' | Abolish the racist | / / | death penalty! | ( -. | `-----------------------' | ) | (`-. '--.) `. )----'
participants (1)
Thomas F. Burdick