[cells-devel] Cello updates and... OS X or Bust!!!!

Just updated CVS with a long-needed refactoring of the key layout class hierarchy under IX-INLINE. Also added a new shape to the fancy Cello demo, the simple nurbs shape in the OpenGL Red Book. It turned out to be quite a poser because of my use of display lists. Kind of a gap in the OpenGL doc, but I got lucky and figured out what was going on. Turns out it is a frequent gotcha. Anyway, my once silent laptop now never shuts up, so it may be time to get a four-fan Mac desktop and start working there. I cannot tolerate Windows XP much longer anyway, as little as I interact with it. Gotta use my developer discount by November, too. And since I am starting on an educational software project, OS X compatibility is a little more urgent than would otherwise be the case. So whoop-dee-doo, Cello heads for OS X! kenny -- Cells? Cello? Celtik?: http://www.common-lisp.net/project/cells/ Why Lisp? http://alu.cliki.net/RtL%20Highlight%20Film

Hi Kenny & all Cells/Cello fellows: On Fri, 2004-10-15 at 05:58, Kenny Tilton wrote:
Just updated CVS with a long-needed refactoring of the key layout class hierarchy under IX-INLINE.
Also added a new shape to the fancy Cello demo, the simple nurbs shape in the OpenGL Red Book. It turned out to be quite a poser because of my use of display lists. Kind of a gap in the OpenGL doc, but I got lucky and figured out what was going on. Turns out it is a frequent gotcha.
Anyway, my once silent laptop now never shuts up, so it may be time to get a four-fan Mac desktop and start working there. I cannot tolerate Windows XP much longer anyway, as little as I interact with it. Gotta use my developer discount by November, too. And since I am starting on an educational software project, OS X compatibility is a little more urgent than would otherwise be the case.
So whoop-dee-doo, Cello heads for OS X!
Well, meanwhile I am a proud owner of a Powerbook with Mac OS X 10.3 Panther installed... I am now free to choose my computing environment as I quit my job at Deloitte Consulting to open up my own company: PRION Consulting Services AG: PLM and IT Management Consulting (Ok, enough marketing blah-blah) Obvious thing to do is expand my knowledge concerning Common Lisp to the OS X platform under OpenMCL. I already began configuring ASDF et al to have the foundation ready for my next adventure: Cello! I downloaded the Cells package via ASDF-INSTALL but just got the Cells package only, with no Cello in it (and it also seems somewhat outdated). Do I have to go to CVS checking it out manually or do you plan to make a recent release of Cells including Cello available for ASDF-INSTALL ? Thx for info. Happy hacking!
Cheers Kenny, Frank

Frank Goenninger writes:
I downloaded the Cells package via ASDF-INSTALL but just got the Cells package only, with no Cello in it (and it also seems somewhat outdated).
Yeah, that's Cells-I, and just happens to be the version used by a web app I wrote for a client (how convenient). Cello has never been asdf-install'able.
Do I have to go to CVS checking it out manually or do you plan to make a recent release of Cells including Cello available for ASDF-INSTALL ?
At the moment, you should check it out of cvs. Making the cell-cultures projects installable piecemeal will involve more hacking on asdf-aclproj because their interdependencies are specified with relative pathnames, rather than symbolically. Unless someone has a need to use asdf-install instead of cvs, I'll wait on this until either Cello is generally usable on OS X, or I get around to finishing Spider-Cell (a library to make Araneida Cells-friendly). Kenny uses the Allegro IDE, I use SBCL, so the asdf-related stuff is my fault.

Kenny Tilton writes:
Just updated CVS with a long-needed refactoring of the key layout class hierarchy under IX-INLINE.
Also added a new shape to the fancy Cello demo, the simple nurbs shape in the OpenGL Red Book. It turned out to be quite a poser because of my use of display lists. Kind of a gap in the OpenGL doc, but I got lucky and figured out what was going on. Turns out it is a frequent gotcha.
Anyway, my once silent laptop now never shuts up, so it may be time to get a four-fan Mac desktop and start working there. I cannot tolerate Windows XP much longer anyway, as little as I interact with it. Gotta use my developer discount by November, too. And since I am starting on an educational software project, OS X compatibility is a little more urgent than would otherwise be the case.
So whoop-dee-doo, Cello heads for OS X!
Cool. What dev environment are you using over here? You mentioned on cll something about there being an aspect of asdf that you couldn't abide -- since you're now in the world of no-Allegro-IDE, what would that be?

On Oct 17, 2004, at 4:20 PM, Thomas F. Burdick wrote:
Kenny Tilton writes:
So whoop-dee-doo, Cello heads for OS X!
Cool. What dev environment are you using over here?
Undecided. Probably Lispworks, but Frank is doing OpneMCL, so I /might/ look at that to make collaboration easier. otoh, it would be sweet filling in two checkboxes on the OS x Implementation grid. Right now I am just running Fink Commander to see how far I can get with the libs. Looked like a quick win until I got some really embarrassing (for open source or fink) errors on ImageMagick. But the gaffes look manageable.
You mentioned on cll something about there being an aspect of asdf that you couldn't abide -- since you're now in the world of no-Allegro-IDE, what would that be?
You probably will remember: the ACL project manager loads everything in the order the source is listed. When it gets to something out of date, it recompiles. Both ASDF and mk::defsystem first look for things out of date and try to recompile (tho dependencies are honored). I like the ACL approach because I can handle some dependencies via the order of the files. I can see the advantage of the other approach (auto handling of changes to macros), but having tried to adjust to the asdf/mk way I still find myself longing for the acl way. But I might come around on this some day. kt

Kenneth Tilton writes:
On Oct 17, 2004, at 4:20 PM, Thomas F. Burdick wrote:
You mentioned on cll something about there being an aspect of asdf that you couldn't abide -- since you're now in the world of no-Allegro-IDE, what would that be?
You probably will remember: the ACL project manager loads everything in the order the source is listed. When it gets to something out of date, it recompiles. Both ASDF and mk::defsystem first look for things out of date and try to recompile (tho dependencies are honored).
I like the ACL approach because I can handle some dependencies via the order of the files. I can see the advantage of the other approach (auto handling of changes to macros), but having tried to adjust to the asdf/mk way I still find myself longing for the acl way. But I might come around on this some day.
Oh yeah, that. You can definately coerce asdf into doing it the acl way. I'm pretty sure I didn't do that for asdf-aclproj, but I thought about it and decided it was doable.

Thomas F. Burdick wrote:
Kenneth Tilton writes:
I like the ACL approach because I can handle some dependencies via the order of the files. I can see the advantage of the other approach (auto handling of changes to macros), but having tried to adjust to the asdf/mk way I still find myself longing for the acl way. But I might come around on this some day.
Oh yeah, that. You can definately coerce asdf into doing it the acl way. I'm pretty sure I didn't do that for asdf-aclproj, but I thought about it and decided it was doable.
aw, shucks, having macro changes propagated automatically will be a clear win. let me suck it up and get the asd files working honestly (no bogus depending on the one immediately prior). might even clean things up if I end up moving a stray macro to where it should be. fair warning to everyone, tho: if I miss a dependency it will not show up immediately since the first time thru everything is .... hey, how about if I deliberately reverse the order in the asd file from the lpr file? I scare myself sometimes. :) kt -- Cells? Cello? Celtik?: http://www.common-lisp.net/project/cells/ Why Lisp? http://alu.cliki.net/RtL%20Highlight%20Film
participants (4)
Frank Goenninger
Kenneth Tilton
Kenny Tilton
Thomas F. Burdick