[cells-devel] Celtk: mk-scrolled-list / Listbox: How to access the current selection ?

Hi all: (I also attached a screendump, but this most likely is stripped by the handler for cells-devel) I have a listbox created via (mk-scrolled-list :id :pm-list :tile? nil :parent-x 10 :parent-y 158 :tkfont (list "Courier New" 14 'roman 'normal) :width 80 :selectforeground "#FFFFFF" :selectbackground "#00257A" :list-height 6 :list-item-keys (c? (pms-as-keys (pm-array-ptr (fm^ :pmutil- gui)) (nr-pms (fm^ :pmutil-gui)))) :list-item-factory (lambda (pm) (when pm (make-instance 'listbox-item :id :pm-listbox :fm-parent *parent* :value pm :item-text (conc$ " # " (serial- number pm) " : " (call-out- device pm) ", \"" (callsign pm) "\", FW Version: " (firmware- version pm))))))) I am trying to access the selection with (value (fm-other :pm-list )) but always get NIL - no matter if a line in the listbox is selected or not.... I double checked with the demos in lotsa-.widgets but could not find any difference from the examples there ... Any help really appreciated. Thx - Frank P.S.: On the screendump there's the line "Info on selected Power..:" -
The second one of the NILs there is the result of (value (fm-other :pm-list)) ...
participants (1)
Frank Goenninger