[cells-devel] [Fwd: Re: Preparing the announcement for the European Common Lisp Meeting 2008, Amsterdam]

[sprinkled down thru this email is news about a new module in the Cells repository, one playing with Cells-y ideas and RDF, for now using Franz's AG but in a way portable to any RDF DB.-kt] Edi Weitz wrote:
thanks for agreeing to give a talk at the European Common Lisp Meeting 2008 in Amsterdam on April 20. As we now have everything in place (speakers, dates, rooms, etc.), we'd like to make an official announcement soon, preferably before Christmas. Could you therefore please tell us how you'd like your talk to be advertised? We need
1. The title of the talk
Kenny Into the Yobbos' Den, or, "Why We Should Not Be Here and What Should Be Doing Instead", a rant on the state of Lisp and Lispniks touching on Algebra software, lisp libraries, open source, Cello, Cells, and somewhere along the way introducing Triple-Cells, Animated Data Modelling With Persistence for Free. If that's too long you can just use (member 'introducing...) on that. :)
2. Your name how it should appear in the announcement and on the ECLM website
Kenny Tilton
3. City and country where you live or work
Wall, New Jersey, USA
4. Optionally an organization you're affiliated with and that you're representing as a speaker
5. Optionally a URL we can link to which should be related to the topic of your talk
Source of AG-based prototype, with not much work until Algebra software ships: http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/triple-cells/?root=cells RDF in general: http://www.w3.org/RDF/ Possible platform for portable/open triple-cells: http://librdf.org/ kt
participants (1)
Ken Tilton