[cells-devel] Celtk/Cells3 Compleat

You can now grab Cells3 and Celtk from the c-l.net Cells repository. .\Celtk\ltktest-cells-inside.lisp has a load of doc inside it, including some on just Cells. Check out load.lisp in either source tree to build and run. (Checking next that I remembered to commit those, speaking of which, I use neither those nor ASDF when working, so they often have bugs. Speaking of which...) Bug reports or request for clarification on the doc exceedingly welcome. Otherwise, I will be getting to work on a commercial app using both these (as long as Tk holds up, which looks good so far). ken

cells3 demo. I can not see any edit-field in the example. Regards Friedrich

tk> menu .mnu31 -tearoff 0 -type menubar tk> menu .mnu31.mnu34 -tearoff 0 tk> menu .mnu31.mnu34.mnu40 -tearoff 0 tk> frame .cv-scroller -class frame tk> canvas .cv-scroller.test-canvas -scrollregion {0 0 500 400} tk> senddata [.cv-scroller.test-canvas create text 10 10 -anchor "nw" -text "Ltk Demonstration"] tk> senddata [.cv-scroller.test-canvas create line 250.0 400.0 300.23407 108.66162 155.33328 366.35382 378.16644 172.06824 103.135544 280.50952 398.60135 270.4362 116.8235 180.97812 352.37134 359.63623 190.25645 112.41109 260.21606 399.6517 290.49127 105.5685 163.47768 372.5312 372.56125 163.52028 105.55452 290.44135 399.64813 260.26807 112.43175 190.2089 359.60065 352.40945 181.02466 116.79939 270.38467 398.60843 280.56073 103.14618 172.02382 378.13943 366.38678 155.37381 108.64426 300.18518 400.0 250.05157 108.67917 199.71655 366.32098 344.7071 172.11243 121.80669 280.45807 396.87512 270.48798 101.40578 180.93207 383.15262 359.67145 147.66635 112.39021 309.69543 399.65524 239.83597 105.582504 209.45882 372.50076 336.56537 163.5629 127.40871 290.3911 394.45953 260.31952 100.35539 190.16055 387.54724 352.44757 140.43495 116.77568 318.92953 398.6156 229.66756 103.156815 219.38823 378.1123 328.02072 155.41382 133.58069 300.1355 391.37338 250.10313 100.00003 199.66797 391.30353 344.74796 133.71233 121.77991 327.8435 396.88562 219.59244 101.412994 229.45981 383.12888 319.1137 147.7049 140.29262 309.6471 387.63077 239.88742 100.34126 209.40807 394.40326 336.60843 127.52966 127.379 336.39496 394.47372 209.65965 100.35895 239.62903 387.52667 309.88672 140.47098 147.51395 318.88373 383.248 229.71866 101.377426 219.33664 396.8324 328.06476 121.914505 133.54745 344.54526 391.391 199.91418 100.00008 249.84415 391.28583 300.38168 133.74419 155.21295 327.79843 378.24744 219.64406 103.103714 229.40985 398.5801 319.16046 116.89542 140.25667 352.25653 387.65082 190.39919 100.33772 260.06 394.38898 290.64267 127.55879 163.35042 336.35187 372.65137 209.71042 105.512115 239.57645 399.6374 309.93506 112.4944 147.47714 359.49457 383.27222 181.1631 101.370316 270.22913 396.82208 280.71274 121.94194 171.89023 344.50433 366.48575 199.96172 108.59218 249.79372 399.99988 300.43134 108.73187 155.1721 366.2225 378.27356 172.24469 103.09306 280.30432 398.57285 270.64236 116.91867 180.79478 352.21796 359.77927 ] tk> scrollbar .cv-scroller.hscroll -command ".cv-scroller.test-canvas xview" -orient "horizontal" tk> scrollbar .cv-scroller.vscroll -command ".cv-scroller.test-canvas yview" -orient "vertical" tk> frame .f32 -padx 0 -pady 0 -class frame tk> frame .f32.f44 -borderwidth 2 -padx 0 -pady 0 -relief sunken -class frame tk> label .f32.f44.lbl50 -text "Rotation:" tk> button .f32.f44.b51 -text "Start" -command {callback ".f32.f44.b51.CMD"} tk> button .f32.f44.b52 -text "Stop" -command {callback ".f32.f44.b52.CMD"} tk> button .f32.b45 -text "Hallo" -command {callback ".f32.b45.CMD"} tk> button .f32.b46 -text "Welt!" -command {callback ".f32.b46.CMD"} tk> frame .f32.f47 -borderwidth 2 -padx 0 -pady 0 -relief sunken -class frame tk> label .f32.f47.lbl53 -text "Test:" tk> button .f32.f47.b54 -text "OK:" -command {callback ".f32.f47.b54.CMD"} tk> entry .f32.entry -background systembuttonface -textvariable ".f32.entry" tk> button .f32.b48 -text "get!" -command {callback ".f32.b48.CMD"} tk> button .f32.b49 -text "set!" -command {callback ".f32.b49.CMD"} tk> menu .cv-scroller.test-canvas.mnu55 -tearoff 0 tk> .mnu31 add cascade -menu ".mnu31.mnu34" -label "File" tk> .mnu31.mnu34 add command -command {callback "..LOAD"} -label "Load" tk> .mnu31.mnu34 add command -command {callback "..SAVE"} -label "Save" -state normal tk> .mnu31.mnu34 add separator tk> .mnu31.mnu34 add cascade -menu ".mnu31.mnu34.mnu40" -label "Export..." tk> .mnu31.mnu34 add separator tk> .mnu31.mnu34 add command -accelerator "Alt-q" -command "exit" -label "Quit" -underline 1 tk> .mnu31.mnu34.mnu40 add command -command {callback "..JPEG"} -label "jpeg" tk> .mnu31.mnu34.mnu40 add command -command {callback "..PNG"} -label "png" tk> .cv-scroller.test-canvas.mnu55 add command -command {callback "..MNU59"} -label "Option 1" tk> .cv-scroller.test-canvas.mnu55 add command -command {callback "..MNU60"} -label "Option 2" tk> .cv-scroller.test-canvas.mnu55 add command -command {callback "..MNU61"} -label "Option 3" tk> set .f32.entry "" tk> bind . <Alt-q> {.mnu31.mnu34 invoke 5} tk> trace add variable .f32.entry write "trc2 .f32.entry.TRACEWRITE" tk> . configure -menu .mnu31 tk> grid .cv-scroller.test-canvas -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news tk> grid .cv-scroller.hscroll -row 1 -column 0 -sticky we tk> grid .cv-scroller.vscroll -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns tk> grid columnconfigure .cv-scroller 0 -weight {1} tk> grid columnconfigure .cv-scroller 1 -weight {0} tk> grid rowconfigure .cv-scroller 0 -weight {1} tk> grid rowconfigure .cv-scroller 1 -weight {0} tk> pack .f32.f44.lbl50 .f32.f44.b51 .f32.f44.b52 -side left -anchor nw -padx 0 -pady 0 tk> pack .f32.f47.lbl53 .f32.f47.b54 -side left -anchor nw -padx 0 -pady 0 tk> pack .f32.f44 .f32.b45 .f32.b46 .f32.f47 .f32.entry .f32.b48 .f32.b49 -side left -anchor nw -padx 0 -pady 0 tk> pack .cv-scroller -side top -fill both -expand 1 tk> pack .f32 -side bottom tk> .cv-scroller.test-canvas configure -xscrollcommand ".cv-scroller.hscroll set" tk> .cv-scroller.test-canvas configure -yscrollcommand ".cv-scroller.vscroll set" tk> wm deiconify .

I fetched the tarball today. I did not now how to check out via CVS, I guess it's as usual on common lisp .net but I have not idea on the proper name for it. Will try tomorrow. Regards Friedrich

Friedrich Dominicus <frido@q-software-solutions.de> writes:
I fetched the tarball today. I did not now how to check out via CVS, I guess it's as usual on common lisp .net but I have not idea on the proper name for it.
Under Linux it is as easy as: cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous@common-lisp.net:/project/cells/cvsroot co cells cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous@common-lisp.net:/project/cells/cvsroot co Celtk This creates the directories "cells" and "Celtk" and there you can (from time to time) say "cvs update" to get the latest stuff. Regards, Marco

On 3/24/06, Friedrich Dominicus <frido@q-software-solutions.de> wrote:
I fetched the tarball today. I did not now how to check out via CVS, I guess it's as usual on common lisp .net but I have not idea on the proper name for it.
Will try tomorrow.
0.881 and SBCL 0.9.10 should be good together (and Ltk isn't developed with CVS, but with a subversion repository that's not publicly available at the moment), and both work quite well with Cells II at least. For Celtk, you need to get the CVS version of Celtk, which you can download from here: http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Celtk/?root=cells by clicking on the "download tarball" link at the bottom of the page.

I forgot I'm using SBL 0.9.10.x and ltk-0.881 (the latest tarball) Regards Friedrich

Friedrich Dominicus wrote:
cells3 demo. I can not see any edit-field in the example.
Not sure what happened on my last send. I will try again. Below is my output. But first, so we are on the same page: -- I have continued tweaking in minor ways the ltktest-cells-inside demo, and committing to CVS. You may have picked up an earlier copy. I suggest you update from CVS or grab a fresh tarball so we are sure we are looking at the same source. Mind you, I certainly did not have missing widgets in any version committed to CVS, but fur debugging purposes let's use the same source. That will require you to install LTk separately and fix up load.lisp (I forgot to fix that but will do that shortly -- you just have to add a path to asdf:*central-registry* for LTk). Now here is the output I get when I subsititute tk-format-now: tk> menu .mnu31 -tearoff 0 -type menubar tk> menu .mnu31.mnu34 -tearoff 0 tk> menu .mnu31.mnu34.mnu40 -tearoff 0 tk> frame .cv-scroller -class frame tk> canvas .cv-scroller.test-canvas -scrollregion {0 0 500 400} tk> senddata [.cv-scroller.test-canvas create text 10 10 -anchor "nw" -text "Ltk Demonstration"] tk> senddata [.cv-scroller.test-canvas create line 250.0 400.0 300.23407 108.66162 155.33328 366.35382 378.16644 172.06824 103.135544 280.50952 398.60135 270.4362 116.8235 180.97812 352.37134 359.63623 190.25645 112.41109 260.21606 399.6517 290.49127 105.5685 163.47768 372.5312 372.56125 163.52028 105.55452 290.44135 399.64813 260.26807 112.43175 190.2089 359.60065 352.40945 181.02466 116.79939 270.38467 398.60843 280.56073 103.14618 172.02382 378.13943 366.38678 155.37381 108.64426 300.18518 400.0 250.05157 108.67917 199.71655 366.32098 344.7071 172.11243 121.80669 280.45807 396.87512 270.48798 101.40578 180.93207 383.15262 359.67145 147.66635 112.39021 309.69543 399.65524 239.83597 105.582504 209.45882 372.50076 336.56537 163.5629 127.40871 290.3911 394.45953 260.31952 100.35539 190.16055 387.54724 352.44757 140.43495 116.77568 318.92953 398.6156 229.66756 103.156815 219.38823 378.1123 328.02072 155.41382 133.58069 300.1355 391.37338 250.10313 100.00003 199.66797 391.30353 344.74796 133.71233 121.77991 327.8435 396.88562 219.59244 101.412994 229.45981 383.12888 319.1137 147.7049 140.29262 309.6471 387.63077 239.88742 100.34126 209.40807 394.40326 336.60843 127.52966 127.379 336.39496 394.47372 209.65965 100.35895 239.62903 387.52667 309.88672 140.47098 147.51395 318.88373 383.248 229.71866 101.377426 219.33664 396.8324 328.06476 121.914505 133.54745 344.54526 391.391 199.91418 100.00008 249.84415 391.28583 300.38168 133.74419 155.21295 327.79843 378.24744 219.64406 103.103714 229.40985 398.5801 319.16046 116.89542 140.25667 352.25653 387.65082 190.39919 100.33772 260.06 394.38898 290.64267 127.55879 163.35042 336.35187 372.65137 209.71042 105.512115 239.57645 399.6374 309.93506 112.4944 147.47714 359.49457 383.27222 181.1631 101.370316 270.22913 396.82208 280.71274 121.94194 171.89023 344.50433 366.48575 199.96172 108.59218 249.79372 399.99988 300.43134 108.73187 155.1721 366.2225 378.27356 172.24469 103.09306 280.30432 398.57285 270.64236 116.91867 180.79478 352.21796 359.77927 ] tk> scrollbar .cv-scroller.hscroll -command ".cv-scroller.test-canvas xview" -orient "horizontal" tk> scrollbar .cv-scroller.vscroll -command ".cv-scroller.test-canvas yview" -orient "vertical" tk> frame .f32 -padx 0 -pady 0 -class frame tk> frame .f32.f44 -borderwidth 2 -padx 0 -pady 0 -relief sunken -class frame tk> label .f32.f44.lbl50 -text "Rotation:" tk> button .f32.f44.b51 -text "Start" -command {callback ".f32.f44.b51.CMD"} tk> button .f32.f44.b52 -text "Stop" -command {callback ".f32.f44.b52.CMD"} tk> button .f32.b45 -text "Hallo" -command {callback ".f32.b45.CMD"} tk> button .f32.b46 -text "Welt!" -command {callback ".f32.b46.CMD"} tk> frame .f32.f47 -borderwidth 2 -padx 0 -pady 0 -relief sunken -class frame tk> label .f32.f47.lbl53 -text "Test:" tk> button .f32.f47.b54 -text "OK:" -command {callback ".f32.f47.b54.CMD"} tk> entry .f32.entry -background systembuttonface -textvariable ".f32.entry" tk> button .f32.b48 -text "get!" -command {callback ".f32.b48.CMD"} tk> button .f32.b49 -text "set!" -command {callback ".f32.b49.CMD"} tk> menu .cv-scroller.test-canvas.mnu55 -tearoff 0 tk> .mnu31 add cascade -menu ".mnu31.mnu34" -label "File" tk> .mnu31.mnu34 add command -command {callback "..LOAD"} -label "Load" tk> .mnu31.mnu34 add command -command {callback "..SAVE"} -label "Save" -state normal tk> .mnu31.mnu34 add separator tk> .mnu31.mnu34 add cascade -menu ".mnu31.mnu34.mnu40" -label "Export..." tk> .mnu31.mnu34 add separator tk> .mnu31.mnu34 add command -accelerator "Alt-q" -command "exit" -label "Quit" -underline 1 tk> .mnu31.mnu34.mnu40 add command -command {callback "..JPEG"} -label "jpeg" tk> .mnu31.mnu34.mnu40 add command -command {callback "..PNG"} -label "png" tk> .cv-scroller.test-canvas.mnu55 add command -command {callback "..MNU59"} -label "Option 1" tk> .cv-scroller.test-canvas.mnu55 add command -command {callback "..MNU60"} -label "Option 2" tk> .cv-scroller.test-canvas.mnu55 add command -command {callback "..MNU61"} -label "Option 3" tk> set .f32.entry "" tk> bind . <Alt-q> {.mnu31.mnu34 invoke 5} tk> trace add variable .f32.entry write "trc2 .f32.entry.TRACEWRITE" tk> . configure -menu .mnu31 tk> grid .cv-scroller.test-canvas -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news tk> grid .cv-scroller.hscroll -row 1 -column 0 -sticky we tk> grid .cv-scroller.vscroll -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns tk> grid columnconfigure .cv-scroller 0 -weight {1} tk> grid columnconfigure .cv-scroller 1 -weight {0} tk> grid rowconfigure .cv-scroller 0 -weight {1} tk> grid rowconfigure .cv-scroller 1 -weight {0} tk> pack .f32.f44.lbl50 .f32.f44.b51 .f32.f44.b52 -side left -anchor nw -padx 0 -pady 0 tk> pack .f32.f47.lbl53 .f32.f47.b54 -side left -anchor nw -padx 0 -pady 0 tk> pack .f32.f44 .f32.b45 .f32.b46 .f32.f47 .f32.entry .f32.b48 .f32.b49 -side left -anchor nw -padx 0 -pady 0 tk> pack .cv-scroller -side top -fill both -expand 1 tk> pack .f32 -side bottom tk> .cv-scroller.test-canvas configure -xscrollcommand ".cv-scroller.hscroll set" tk> .cv-scroller.test-canvas configure -yscrollcommand ".cv-scroller.vscroll set" tk> wm deiconify .
Regards Friedrich
_______________________________________________ cells-devel site list cells-devel@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/cells-devel

{weird, I do not see this on cells-devel. In case y'all did not get it....] Friedrich Dominicus wrote:
cells3 demo. I can not see any edit-field in the example.
Cool. You are also missing two buttons that appear to the right of the entry field, labelled get! and set!. (a) What Lisp and OS are you using? I have tested only under ACL and LW on win32. (b) Do you see an entry in the source? Begins " (mk-entry :id :entry...." (c) Trace mk-entry. What do you see? (d) Replace tk-format-now to enable all debug output thus: (defun tk-format-now (fmt$ &rest fmt-args &aux (tk$ (apply 'format nil fmt$ fmt-args))) (format t "~&tk> ~A~%" tk$) (format (wish-stream *wish*) "~A~%" tk$) (force-output (wish-stream *wish*))) Then please post that output with your next report. Thx, Ken
Regards Friedrich
_______________________________________________ cells-devel site list cells-devel@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/cells-devel
participants (5)
Friedrich Dominicus
Ken Tilton
Ken Tilton
Marco Gidde
Thomas F. Burdick