Big day. The pivotal md-value slot is rechristened value, and oh waht a relief it is. Turns out CL does not have it reserved. Who knew? Also big: I just took the trouble to carve out a Celtk3D.lpr (make your own damn ASD!) that does not include the widgets, including esp. the canvas widget and all its items. Just astonishing how huge those are. Loads must faster than Celtk. The idea is that Cello, as it was and is now conceived, makes all its own widgets. I thought for a while that I would mix Tk widgets with Cello widgets inside the Togl, but as soon as I started doing that I noticed that that kinda doubled the effort, and that Cello widgets look vastly better than OS native widgets. (And I happen to think native look-and-feel is not so relevant any more and certainly not for the apps I have in mind.) kt
participants (1)
Ken Tilton