[cells-devel] Re: A simple question.

Watt Poosanguansit wrote:
Hi Ken,
I hope you are well. I am starting to code using cell as the models. One thing that I do not understand is when I use accessor method on the slot in the models, I do not get the value back. I would have to use slot-value to get to it. Is that by design?
No, something is wrong. Send me some code that behaves as you say. If I had to guess, it would be something that often trips me up too: when Cells hits an error it sets a flag indicating it should cease functioning. So any Cells snippet one might invoke as a toplevel test should begin with (cells-reset) to clear that flag. As a noob of course you are encountering errors regularly, and unless you got lucky you did not run across this Cells secret or if you did would likely not remember it, and this indeed sounds like Cells refusing to run (accessors go straight into Cells code), so this is a strong guess. But it is a guess. :) You can probably just add (cells-reset) at the start of your test code and be OK. if not, send me some code. kt
participants (1)
Kenny Tilton