Re: [cells-devel] [cello-devel] Compiling

Seth Burleigh wrote:
Ive got the code for cello. Im attempting to get cl-opengl working.
Ive hade some problems. First,
(1) When loading and , it has some weird directory under which it expects libgl and libglu to be under, on unix. I cant imagine why this is in there since in linux operating systems the libraries are installed in a standard location. I replaced it with cffi:load-foreign-library "",etc.
(2) Now, I get
Execution of a form compiled with errors. Form: (DEFUN-FFX INT glut glutCreateWindow (CSTRING TITLE)) Compile-time error: (during macroexpansion of (DEFUN-FFX :INT ...)) Don't know how to cast CSTRING [Condition of type SB-INT:COMPILED-PROGRAM-ERROR]
Anyone know how to fix this, im on sbcl 1.0.38 on ubuntu.
So, question is what is the state of this code? Some of it, like cells and its dependencies, has a bias towards allegro. For example, it depends on the mop package which is easily fixed by requiring closer-mop and adding mop as a nickname. Not exactly an easy fix if you didn't know about closer-mop, i.e. were a newcomer.
But anyways, I guess my point is that some of these are easy to fix, some perhaps not so. And since i know others have gotten this to work, why hasn't there been an upgrade of the source code?
We've had some patches in re the mop package name and other stuff to make it more portable. One user did a major cleanup of Cello but never got to the point where it would be released. And I am moving to the web with a new project based on qooxdoo. Doubt I'll ever get back to Cello. ie, it is very close to being a dead project. Oh, and I only know of one person for sure who got it all working. kt
participants (1)
Kenneth Tilton