[cells-devel] [Fwd: Re: [spr28621] AllegroCL6.2 Trial user attempt to load his C++ shared library fails]

Solved! Great support from Franz! Simple cause - simple fix in the current state of Cello. But with ugly consequences for a production environment. Summary: ACL identifies foreign files by their endings. A ".so" file is recognized as a shared library - but most shared libs on Linux have a version info behind the ".so". Example: "libc.so.6" ... As these are different from file to file the recognition fails. Unfortunately it is not helpful to make a symbolic link that is named just "libc.so" (to stay with the above example). See below for details. Regards, Frank -----Forwarded Message----- From: Lois Wolf <lwolf@franz.com> To: frank_goenninger@t-online.de Cc: support@franz.com, frank_goenninger@goenninger.com, sales@franz.com Subject: Re: [spr28621] AllegroCL6.2 Trial user attempt to load his C++ shared library fails Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 13:37:44 -0800 Frank Goenninger: In Allegro CL 6.2 only files for which the file extension is an element of the list which is the value of the unexported symbol excl::*load-foreign-types* are recognized as foreign files. (This behavior is likely to be improved in Allegro CL 7.0) To make your file libftglint.so.1 recognizable to Allegro CL 6.2 as a foreign file, you can push "1" onto the value of excl::*load-foreign-types*, change the name of the file, or create a symbolic link with extension .so and load that. Please send any further email related to this problem report to support@franz.com with the identifier spr28621 in the subject line. Thanks, Lois Wolf Franz Inc., http://www.franz.com/ lwolf@franz.com 555 12th St, Suite 1450 (510) 452-2000; Fax: (510) 452-0182 Oakland, CA 94607
participants (1)
Frank Goenninger