Re: [cells-devel] make-instance, initarg, c-in

Ramarren schrieb: Hi,
It doesn't work because it was a bad idea anyway... I didn't pay attention to the fact, that by the time an after method on shared-initialize fires the model is already initiated into the cells framework, so any changes at that point are too late. Fortunately it is easy enough to get around with the power of CLOS:
Again, I did not test this much, but it seems to work, especially since it doesn't really touch anything inside Cells. I still think it is not a very good idea, for reasons Kenny specified earlier.
I tried it and after adding cells::model-object to the superclasses of the class that is using auto-cin-model everything worked very well. Thanks! I still don't get why it's a bad idea - it seems pretty handy. The user of the library won't have to care to provide c-in wrapped values as initargs, he doesn't need to care for the internals. I put the test in a gist on github:
As an aside, if it is not just amazing username coincidence, judging by this paste You tried to create bindings for Clutter. If so, You might be interested in my attempt at , which more or less works, for some very low values of "works". Shows a moving rectangle, anyway. Unfortunately, faced with the facts that moving forward would require understanding enough of GObject to subclass its objects and that I don't really need it that much, it is unlikely to progress much further.
Yeah, I tried to get a clutter binding, but unfortunately hadn't very much luck with it. I looked around and found your bindings on github and follow it, but didn't try it yet, because of lack of time and I'm not as far with my stuff to use it yet, but I'll sure do so. Thanks for the hint. kind regards, Bastian

Bastian Müller wrote:
Ramarren schrieb: Hi,
It doesn't work because it was a bad idea anyway... I didn't pay attention to the fact, that by the time an after method on shared-initialize fires the model is already initiated into the cells framework, so any changes at that point are too late. Fortunately it is easy enough to get around with the power of CLOS:
Again, I did not test this much, but it seems to work, especially since it doesn't really touch anything inside Cells. I still think it is not a very good idea, for reasons Kenny specified earlier.
I tried it and after adding cells::model-object to the superclasses of the class that is using auto-cin-model everything worked very well. Thanks! I still don't get why it's a bad idea -
Performance: See "No Cell At All". kt
participants (2)
Bastian Müller
Kenneth Tilton