The attached works a tiny little bit. Running hunch, starting the server with the snippet at the top of example.lisp, running (reload), and then navigating to 8000/apropos I see three symbols matching the initial value of "md-slot-v". Deleting the "v" and then tabbing I see eight values matching "md-slot-". This required especially telling the handler creater not to expect "/apropos" as the prefix to subsequent messages (in fact ( i just defaulted if the name did not match apropos. Oh, you will also see hijinx where I store nodes by name as well as by ID, because I got back (("term" . "md-slot-")...) not (("i1234" . etc)) even though I see openair.js returns the id. Go figger. Oh. I may have really screwed up. At one point it seemed only the changed field (the search term) was being sent, suddenly I see the "pkg" as well, perhaps meaning there is no need to keep a copy of the client-side-data as you will see I am maintaining. Obviously I have no idea what is going on, perhaps I am seeing "pkg" only as a fluke behavior of pop-up menus (maybe if they are uninitialized they choose the first value and then that looks like a change to be transmitted?) I am clueless. If browsers always send all non-nil attributes with every request (a) that sounds like a waste and (b) we can lose the client-side-data hash table. Hopefully (a) is not the case (and anyway I thought /we/ were deciding what to send...hmmm, I am starting to like my theory about pop-up menus). whew! learning curves are exhausting, but fun. This seems to be working. I would love to feature this at eclm 2008 beacuse it shows how Cells interconnect values, how Cells facilitate the driving of an alien framework by a Lisp framework, and finally because it is Web 2.0, something folks might actually be interested in. Hang on. I just edited in some "<-kt" prefixed comments, and am attaching again example.lisp. I decided to retest and, whoa, a problem resurfaced: the whole thing simply stops working. I got stuck on this earlier and was just recompiling here and there with new debug statements and it started working again. That suggests, btw, that there is a defparameter or something that gets reset by the file being recompiled and reloaded (but I tried a full recompile and that did not help). Anyway, I am sure it is something stupid, and it is too late for me to stare at. kt ;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: cells; -*- #| Hunchncells -- Cells, Parenscript, and HTML Copyright (C) 2008 by Andy Chambers This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), known as the LLGPL. This library is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License for more details. |# ;; from Ken Tilton <kennytilton@optonline.net> ;; to achambers.home@gmail.com (Yes, this is you.) Learn more, ;; date Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 3:15 PM ;; subject Re: [cells-devel] undersold aspect of cells ;; ;; A an interactive Lisp apropos is a good idea. The ACL gui version does ;; not search as the user types, but for fun we could do that, perhaps ;; doing it both ways to show before/after live during the talk. The ACL ;; dialogue has a checkbox for "exported only" and a pop-up menu of known ;; packages to choose-from to limit search to one package. A checkbox ;; next to it says "All" and means ignore whatever might be selected ;; (most UIs have a top item that says "All". anyway...). Then there is a ;; radio group of four buttons that also imits search to functions, ;; classes, variables, or all. Results are displayed in a scrolling list ;; with seven columns: name, package, function, setf, var, class, and ;; exported. Several of those are just booleans with an "x" showing if, ;; eg, the symbol has a function, a setter, a class, or is exported. The ;; var column shows var or con if it is a constant. The columns are ;; resizeable (bit of a frill). ;; Oh, and the input field is also a pop-up of the query history (which ;; would not make sense if each keystroke was treated as a new query. ACL ;; has a "search" button instead. Otherwise, the results pane is rebuilt ;; as the other filters are changed--the user does not have to hit Search ;; each time. ;; Anyway, I would be tempted to reinvent that as far as widget sets ;; allow: checkbox, radio button/group, the straight "search" button, ;; popup menus, and a multi-column scrolling grid view, input of course, ;; and then any decorative frames, say, to group the radio buttons. ;; Bonus points for a double-click taking them to the CLHS. :) ;; ;; (in-package :openair) (progn (declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0) (safety 1) (compilation-speed 0)))) #+test (progn (when (and (boundp '*oa*) *oa*) (trc "stopping" *oa*) (hunchentoot:stop-server *oa*) (setf *oa* nil))) #+ughh (setf (log-file) "hunch.txt") (defparameter *oa* nil) #+test (let ((x (start-server :port 8000 :dispatch-table *dispatch-table*))) (setf *oa* x) (setf (log-file) "hunch.txt") ;; <-kt accomplished nothing (trc "got server" x) ;(hunchentoot:stop-server x) (describe x)) (defun reload () (cells-reset) (reset-sessions) (setf *catch-errors-p* nil *dispatch-table* (list ; (test-page "/check-test" 'web-checkbox) (test-page "/apropos" 'web-apropos) (create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler "/js/" "/mainline/js/")))) (defmd web-checkbox (page) (status (c? (param? "STATUS"))) (kids (c? (the-kids (mk-div () (mk-form (:action "get") (mk-checkbox "Status: " status) (mk-div () (mk-text (status (u^ web-checkbox)))))))))) (defmd web-apropos (page) (title "Lisp Apropos") (style "style.css") ;; <-kt all attributes moved into value slots of corresponding nodes (kids (c? (trc "page kids rule entry!!!!!!!!" self .cause) (the-kids (mk-div () (mk-form (:action "get") (mk-label (:for "term") "Apropos: ") (mk-input (:md-name :term :name :term :value (c-in "md-slot-v"))) ;; <-kt start somewhere for easier testing (mk-checkbox "Exported: " exported-only-p) (mk-label (:for "pkg") "Package: ") (mk-select (:md-name :pkg :name "pkg" :id "pkg") ;; <-kt was there an extra (list... here? Not needed (loop for pkg in (subseq (list-all-packages) 0 10) collect (let ((pkg pkg)) (mk-option () (mk-text (package-name pkg)))))) (mk-text (c? (if (fm^v :pkg) "on" "all"))) (mk-div (:id :result) (mk-ul () (loop for match in (bwhen (search (fm^v :term)) (let ((a (apropos-list search nil ;; (fm^v :pkg) <-kt- this started sneaking in, I punted (fm^v 'exported-only-p)))) (trc "got match count" (length a) search (fm^v :pkg) (fm^v 'exported-only-p)) (subseq a 0 (min 10 (length a))))) ;; <-kt- just making debugging manageable do (trc "piling up match" (^id) match) collect (let ((match match)) (mk-li () (mk-text match)))))))))))) (defun test-web-apropos () (cells-reset) (reload) #+nah (let ((app (mk-web-app (:prefix "testwa" :request (c-in nil)) (make-instance 'web-apropos :fm-parent *parent*)))) (declare (ignorable app)) (inspect app))) (defun test-request (self &rest req) (trc "test req" req) (describe req) (setf (request self) req) (loop for (h . xh) in (updates self) unless (loop for (h2 . nil) in (updates self) thereis (unless (eq h h2) (when (fm-ascendant-p h2 h) (trc nil "suppressing redundant" h :seeing-ascendant h2 (id h2)) t))) do (trc "bingo changed" h (id h)) (trc "new xhtml" xh) finally (setf (updates self) nil))) (defvar *web-app* nil) (defun test-page (path resource-class) (lambda (request) (trc "bingo request!!!!" request path resource-class) (start-session) (let ((root (or (session-value 'root) (progn (print "creating new web-app...") (mk-web-app (:prefix path :request (c-in request)) (make-instance resource-class :fm-parent *parent*)))))) (setf *web-app* root) (setf (session-value 'root) root) (assert (null (updates root))) ;; <-kt stumped at one point, then the issue just went away (setf (request root) request) (handler root))))
participants (1)
Ken Tilton