Update of /project/cells-gtk/cvsroot/root/cells-gtk
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv8110/cells-gtk
Modified Files:
Log Message:
New code for TreeModel ComboBoxes. Requires libcellsgtk.so
Date: Sun May 29 23:09:40 2005
Author: pdenno
Index: root/cells-gtk/menus.lisp
diff -u root/cells-gtk/menus.lisp:1.9 root/cells-gtk/menus.lisp:1.10
--- root/cells-gtk/menus.lisp:1.9 Sat Feb 26 23:28:08 2005
+++ root/cells-gtk/menus.lisp Sun May 29 23:09:40 2005
@@ -18,20 +18,68 @@
(in-package :cgtk)
+(defmacro with-tree-iters (vars &body body)
+ `(let (,@(loop for var in vars collect `(,var (gtk-adds-tree-iter-new))))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn ,@body)
+ ,@(loop for var in vars collect `(gtk-tree-iter-free ,var)))))
+;;; ============= Combo-box ============================
+;;; User should specify exactly one of :items or :roots
+;;; If specify :roots, specify :children-fn too.
(def-widget combo-box ()
((items :accessor items :initarg :items :initform nil)
(print-fn :accessor print-fn :initarg :print-fn
- :initform #'(lambda (item) (format nil "~a" item)))
- (init :accessor init :initarg :init :initform nil))
+ :initform #'(lambda (item) (format nil "~a" item))) ; see below if :roots
+ (init :accessor init :initarg :init :initform nil)
+ (roots :accessor roots :initarg :roots :initform nil)
+ (children-fn :accessor children-fn :initarg :children-fn :initform #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) nil))
+ (tree-model :cell nil :accessor tree-model :initform nil))
:new-tail '-text
- :on-changed (callback (widget event data)
- (trc nil "combo-box onchanged cb" widget event data (id self))
- (let ((pos (gtk-combo-box-get-active (id self))))
- (trc nil "combo-box pos" pos)
- (setf (md-value self) (and (not (= pos -1))
- (nth pos (items self)))))))
+ :on-changed
+ (callback (widget event data)
+ (trc nil "combo-box onchanged cb" widget event data (id self))
+ (if (items self)
+ ;; flat model (:items specified)
+ (let ((pos (gtk-combo-box-get-active (id self))))
+ ;;(trc nil "combo-box pos" pos)
+ (setf (md-value self) (and (not (= pos -1))
+ (nth pos (items self)))))
+ ;; non-flat tree-model (:roots specified)
+ (with-tree-iters (iter)
+ (when (gtk-combo-box-get-active-iter (id self) iter)
+ (setf (md-value self)
+ (item-from-path
+ (children-fn self)
+ (roots self)
+ (read-from-string
+ (gtk-tree-model-get-cell (id (tree-model self)) iter 1 :string)))))))))
+;;; When user specifies :roots, he is using a tree-model.
+;;; POD There is probably no reason he has to use :strings for the "columns"
+(def-c-output roots ((self combo-box))
+ (when old-value
+ (gtk-tree-store-clear (id (tree-model self))))
+ (when new-value
+ (unless (tree-model self)
+ (let ((model (mk-tree-store :item-types '(:string :string))))
+ (setf (tree-model self) model)
+ (setf (of-tree model) self)
+ (gtk-combo-box-set-model (id self) (id (to-be model)))))
+ (let* ((user-print-fn (print-fn self)) ; because he shouldn't need to know this detail.
+ (pfunc #'(lambda (x) (list (funcall user-print-fn x)))))
+ (loop for root in new-value
+ for index from 0 do
+ (gtk-tree-store-set-kids (id (tree-model self)) root c-null index
+ '(:string :string) pfunc (children-fn self)))
+ ;; Spec says iter must correspond to a path of depth one. Hence no point in set-active-iter.
+ ;; init should just be the index of the depth one item you want displayed.
+ (bwhen (item-index (init self))
+ (gtk-combo-box-set-active (id self) item-index)
+ (let ((item (item-from-path (children-fn self) (roots self) (list item-index))))
+ (setf (md-value self) item))))))
(def-c-output items ((self combo-box))
(when old-value
@@ -45,7 +93,8 @@
(when index
(gtk-combo-box-set-active (id self) index)
(setf (md-value self) (init self)))))))
+;;; ============= Toolbar/Toolbutton ============================
(def-object tooltips ()
() () ())
@@ -126,6 +175,7 @@
(when new-value
(setf (stock-id self) (string-downcase (format nil "gtk-~a" new-value)))))
+;;; ============= Menu ============================
(def-widget menu-shell ()
() () ()
:padding 0)