Running CLISP on my system with the newtypes branch, I find that the
CFFI-SYS::DEFAULT-ENCODING function is returning NIL. Some poking
around reveals that CUSTOM:*FOREIGN-ENCODING* is set to
I looked at the symbol values for everything in the :charset package,
and they all specify :UNIX instead of :DOS and so that's what
get populated with.
So I can see why DEFAULT-ENCODING is returning NIL. Before I head
over to clisp-devel and ask about this, I just wanted to see whether
this situation surprises anyone here, or if you think it might be a CLISP
build configuration issue (which would be funny because I'm one of
the MingW package maintainers), or ???
For instance, can anyone point me at a spot in the CLISP manual that
states that *FOREIGN-ENCODING* will always correspond to the value
of one of the symbols in the :charset package?
This is on WinXP SP2, CLISP 2.41 (mingw special) with nothing related
to encoding for command-line arguments.
Jack Unrue