I am trying to simplify ASDF-Install'ing Cells-GTK on different
platforms. When trying with ECL, I find the following problem: CFFI
defines uffi-compat package with "uffi" alias. Comment even expresses
doubt whether it is a good idea. ECL has its own UFFI. So CFFI should
either not declare such nickname for ECL or remove the alias from "FFI"
package. I think the second is a better (although marginally more
complex) behavior, because it increases portability and reduces number
of people who notice implementation quirks of UFFI package.
I include sample patch to remove this alias. I hope something like that
will get into the next release..
Michael Raskin
--- /home/raskin/.sbcl/site/cffi_0.10.5/uffi-compat/uffi-compat.lisp
2009-06-16 20:20:08.000000000 +0400
+++ /home/raskin/.ecl/site/cffi_0.10.5/uffi-compat/uffi-compat.lisp
2010-01-29 10:58:24.000000000 +0300
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
;;; Code borrowed from UFFI is Copyright (c) Kevin M. Rosenberg.
+#+ecl (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
+ (rename-package :ffi :ffi
+ (remove "UFFI" (package-nicknames :ffi) :test 'equal)))
(defpackage #:cffi-uffi-compat
(:nicknames #:uffi) ;; is this a good idea?
(:use #:cl)