On Wed, 2006-03-01 at 00:21 -0500, Hazen Babcock wrote:
This should create a function call bar-l-foo (or maybe #|bar-l- foo|?), but doesn't appear to (as judged by my not getting a function prototype at the slime REPL).
The easiest way to debug macros is to expand them by putting point at the opening paren in a Lisp mode buffer and doing C-c RET (or C-c C-m). You can do this recursively in the resultant Macroexpansion buffer, and (soon?) will be able to expand forms in place.
Maybe defcfun is not getting the right kind of symbol?
You got it, the symbol you are generating is #:|bar-L-FOO| as make-symbol doesn't intern its result, and you didn't normalize the case of the string you gave to it anyway. Some people like to READ-FROM-STRING to get a reasonable symbol from a string; there are other ways to get a reasonable symbol. -- Stephen Compall http://scompall.nocandysw.com/blog