foreign-symbol-pointer should work on Corman, yes. Hopefully defcfun-ing an unexisting function won't yield an error.
Some alternative ideas, if that doesn't work:
1. Handle/ignore the defcfun error. 2. Implement foreign-funcall on Corman Lisp (src/cffi-corman.lisp has some suggestions on how to do that) 3. Ask the Corman Lisp developers to implement foreign-funcall(-pointer). 4. Ignore the problem until #2 or #3 are implemented. (Possibly not a big issue since Corman Lisp is not as widely used as other Lisps.)
Cheers, Luís
On Mon, May 29, 2017, 03:25 Anton Vodonosov wrote:
Luis, thanks for the response
29.05.2017, 05:18, "Luís Oliveira"
You can look up both functions using foreign-symbol-pointer to decide which one to call. You'd usually call the right one using foreign-funcall-pointer, but perhaps you can defcfun both and call the right one based on the lookup.
Will that work on Corman?
defcfun-ing non-existent functions will yield runtime warnings on some
(notably SBCL) so perhaps you might want to implement both the
and defcfun approaches and conditionalise them accordingly.
BTW, CMUCL fails with error in this case.
HTH, Luís
On Mon, May 29, 2017, 02:56 Anton Vodonosov
OpenSSL renamed function SSLeay to OpenSSL_version_num. So, so depending on what version of library we work with we need to call either SSLeay or OpenSSL_version_num.
What is the best way to do it?
The following is one approach:
(or (ignore-errors (cffi:foreign-funcall "OpenSSL_version_num" :long)) (ignore-errors (cffi:foreign-funcall "SSLeay" :long)))
but it won't work on Corman Lisp because it doesn't support cffi:foreign-funcall.
I would like to be fully portable. Is there a better way?
Best regards,
- Anton