2008/4/5 Chun Tian (binghe) <binghe.lisp@gmail.com>:
I ... think CFFI should support LispWorks 5.0 for long-long [...] Since it's not hard to consider both versions, I (personal) hope you can support them both, and that will be perfect.
Can you test the attached patch (diffed against cffi+lotsastuff) and see if it works for both LW 5.1 and 5.0? I only have the 32-bit Personal Edition so I can't test long-long support myself.
Your patch is OK for 5.1, but in 5.0, cannot compile src/cffi- lispworks.lisp: **++++ Error in CFFI-SYS:%MEM-SET: Unknown block $MEM-REF I think, in the definition of (DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO CFFI-SYS:%MEM- SET), this part has something wrong: #+(and lispworks-64bit lispworks5.0) (when (or (eql type :unsigned-long-long) (eql type :long-long)) (return-from %mem-ref form)) I don't know how to fix it, I'm just a newbie in DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO.
By the way, foreign strings seem completely broken. Do the string tests pass for you?
How to do this test? On LispWorks 5.1 (amd64-linux), I load the ASDF- TESTS package, and load the tests/run-test.lisp, all seems OK, no error found.
-- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/ <cffi-llispworks-long-long.diff>