I've been trying to interface sbcl to the gsl library especially passing vectors and/or matrices.
The docs state that there is no :array type.
Is it somehow possible to interface to the gsl library to do e.g. spline or matrix ops ? If it is possible it would be nice to have one or two examples in the docs.
Here are a few projects that perform similar tasks; they might be what you want. http://www.nlisp.info/ http://matlisp.sourceforge.net/ http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-gsl/ That said, I think the CFFI side goes something like this. ; C and C++ pass pointers to arrays... ; For C's "int x[4][5]", use (setq x (foreign-alloc :int :count 20)) Then its up to you to remember the dimensions... (defun x-aref (x r c) (mem-aref x :int (+ (* r 5) c))) - Daniel