On 24/out/2005, at 13:09, Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll wrote:
I am forwarding you a question from one of our developers, who is working on updating CFFI to work with ECL.
I read that, it's great news.
His question is how you handle garbage collection and foreign variables. When setting these variables with, say, a copy of a string (setf *var-string* "hello") a region of memory has to be allocated. But what happens when we set this variable again afterwards? (setf *var-string* "world")
Does CFFI assume that foreign variables become part of the set of roots to be considered by the garbage collector? This seems a strong assumption, given the fact that not all variables will contain pointers, etc.
Or is the user expected to free the first string by herself?
Right now the user should free the first string (or whatever) by himself. I plan to add some options to DEFCVAR to make this automatic (something like what CLISP has). For example the setter that DEFCVAR defines would automatically free the previous contents of the foreign var.
On the first SETF, CFFI will allocate a foreign string and set *var-string* to point to it. The second SETF will do the same, without deallocating the string "hello". To deallocate it, you would have to create a foreign-data object pointing to the same address as *var-string* and then free it, this looks tricky....
Well it is a bit tricky to free because you have to dodge the translator... but not *that* tricky. (setf *fvar* "foo") (foreign-free (mem-ref (get-var-ptr '*fvar*) :pointer)) (setf *fvar* "new string") Any suggestions on how to handle this better? Or is the automatic solution I mention before (regarding the setter) enough? Btw, the test case Michael is talking about (foreign-globals.set.string) does indeed leak memory, I've fixed that. -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/ Equipa Portuguesa do Translation Project http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/translation/registry.cgi?team=pt