(defun create-trackbar-example (&optional (camera-index 0) (width *default-width*) (height *default-height*)) "Creates a trackbar and attaches it to the specified window. Move the slider to adjust the brightess of the camera output" (with-capture (capture (create-camera-capture camera-index)) (let ((window-name "CREATE-TRACKBAR Example") (contrast (cffi:foreign-alloc :int :initial-contents '(50)))) (set-capture-property capture +cap-prop-frame-width+ width) (set-capture-property capture +cap-prop-frame-height+ height) (named-window window-name) (move-window window-name 600 175) (do* ((frame (query-frame capture) (query-frame capture)) (dest (clone-image frame)) (scalar 0)) ((plusp (wait-key *millis-per-frame*)) nil) (format t "Trackbar level: ~a~%~%" (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int)) (create-trackbar "Brightness" window-name contrast 100 (change-contrast contrast window-name frame dest)) (setf scalar (scalar (- (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int 50)) (- (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int) 50) (- (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int) 50))) (add-s frame scalar dest) (show-image window-name dest)) (destroy-window window-name)))) (defun create-trackbar-example (&optional (camera-index 0) (width *default-width*) (height *default-height*)) "Creates a trackbar and attaches it to the specified window. Move the slider to adjust the brightess of the camera output" (with-capture (capture (create-camera-capture camera-index)) (let ((window-name "CREATE-TRACKBAR Example") (contrast (cffi:foreign-alloc :int :initial-contents '(50)))) (set-capture-property capture +cap-prop-frame-width+ width) (set-capture-property capture +cap-prop-frame-height+ height) (named-window window-name) (move-window window-name 600 175) (do* ((frame (query-frame capture) (query-frame capture)) (dest (clone-image frame)) (scalar 0)) ((plusp (wait-key *millis-per-frame*)) nil) (format t "Trackbar level: ~a~%~%" (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int)) (create-trackbar "Brightness" window-name contrast 100 (change-contrast contrast window-name frame dest)) (setf scalar (scalar (- (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int 50)) (- (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int) 50) (- (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int) 50))) (add-s frame scalar dest) (show-image window-name dest)) (destroy-window window-name)))) (defun create-trackbar-example (&optional (camera-index 0) (width *default-width*) (height *default-height*)) "Creates a trackbar and attaches it to the specified window. Move the slider to adjust the brightess of the camera output" (with-capture (capture (create-camera-capture camera-index)) (let ((window-name "CREATE-TRACKBAR Example") (contrast (cffi:foreign-alloc :int :initial-contents '(50)))) (set-capture-property capture +cap-prop-frame-width+ width) (set-capture-property capture +cap-prop-frame-height+ height) (named-window window-name) (move-window window-name 600 175) (do* ((frame (query-frame capture) (query-frame capture)) (dest (clone-image frame)) (scalar 0)) ((plusp (wait-key *millis-per-frame*)) nil) (format t "Trackbar level: ~a~%~%" (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int)) (create-trackbar "Brightness" window-name contrast 100 (change-contrast contrast window-name frame dest)) (setf scalar (scalar (- (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int 50)) (- (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int) 50) (- (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int) 50))) (add-s frame scalar dest) (show-image window-name dest)) (destroy-window window-name)))) (defun create-trackbar-example (&optional (camera-index 0) (width *default-width*) (height *default-height*)) "Creates a trackbar and attaches it to the specified window. Move the slider to adjust the brightess of the camera output" (with-capture (capture (create-camera-capture camera-index)) (let ((window-name "CREATE-TRACKBAR Example") (contrast (cffi:foreign-alloc :int :initial-contents '(50)))) (set-capture-property capture +cap-prop-frame-width+ width) (set-capture-property capture +cap-prop-frame-height+ height) (named-window window-name) (move-window window-name 600 175) (do* ((frame (query-frame capture) (query-frame capture)) (dest (clone-image frame)) (scalar 0)) ((plusp (wait-key *millis-per-frame*)) nil) (format t "Trackbar level: ~a~%~%" (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int)) (create-trackbar "Brightness" window-name contrast 100 (change-contrast contrast window-name frame dest)) (setf scalar (scalar (- (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int 50)) (- (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int) 50) (- (cffi:mem-ref contrast :int) 50))) (add-s frame scalar dest) (show-image window-name dest)) (destroy-window window-name))))