Hello, (cross posted to openmcl devel and cffi devel) I am running into difficulties getting the CFFI tests to run on a mac pro (darwin X8664). Openmcl is up to date, and I am using darcs to stay current with CFFI. The problem is that CFFI can't load a foreign library. CFFI itself compiles, but any time a call to load-foreign-library is made, the results below occur. The same source with sbcl on the same machine runs all tests w/o failures. I don't understand what is supposed to be happening well enough to troubleshoot it further. Any insight or suggestions appreciated. Backtrace: 0: (CFFI::FL-ERROR "Unable to load any of the alternatives:~% ~S") Locals: CFFI::CONTROL = "Unable to load any of the alternatives:~% ~S" CFFI::ARGUMENTS = (("libtest.so" "libtest32.so")) 1: (CFFI:LOAD-FOREIGN-LIBRARY 'CFFI:LOAD-FOREIGN-LIBRARY) Locals: #:USE-VALUE = #<RESTART USE-VALUE #x421706D> #:RETRY = #<RESTART CFFI::RETRY #x421701D> CCL::%RESTARTS% = ((#<RESTART CCL::RETRY-LOAD #x42172AD> #<RESTART CCL::SKIP-LOAD #x42172FD> #<RESTART CCL::LOAD-OTHER #x421734D>) (#<RESTART ASDF:RETRY #x42174CD> #<RESTART ASDF:ACCEPT #x421751D>) (#<RESTART ABORT #x421799D>) (#<RESTART ABORT-BREAK #x4217B5D> #<RESTART ABORT #x4217BAD>)) Catch-tags: (:RESTART CFFI::RETRY) 2: (CFFI-TESTS::LOAD-TEST-LIBRARIES) Locals: CFFI:*FOREIGN-LIBRARY-DIRECTORIES* = NIL 3: (#<Anonymous Function #x3000400AA37F> #<FASLSTATE #x421713D>) Locals: CCL::S = #<FASLSTATE #x421713D> CCL::FUN = #<Anonymous Function #x300041230CEF> 4: (CCL::%FASLOAD "/Users/hirvine/lisp/Lisp_Sources/ compiled/.fasls/openmcl-unix-x86-64-1.1/Users/hirvine/lisp/ Lisp_Sources/site/cffi/tests/bindings.dx64fsl") Locals: STRING = "/Users/hirvine/lisp/Lisp_Sources/compiled/.fasls/ openmcl-unix-x86-64-1.1/Users/hirvine/lisp/Lisp_Sources/site/cffi/ tests/bindings.dx64fsl" CCL::TABLE = #(#<Anonymous Function #x3000400A98CF> #<Anonymous Function #x3000400AD0FF> CCL::%BAD-FASL #<Anonymous Function #x3000400A9ECF> #<Anonymous Function #x3000400AA37F> #<Anonymous Function #x3000400AA4DF> #<Anonymous Function #x3000400AA5DF> #<Anonymous Function #x3000400AA6FF> #<Anonymous Function #x3000400AAABF> #<Anonymous Function #x3000400AD36F> ...) CCL::BUFFER = #<A Foreign Pointer [stack-allocated] #xB0B01690> CCL::PARSE-STRING = "LOAD-TEST- LIBRARIESRECTORIES* " CCL::*INTERRUPT-LEVEL* = 0 CCL::*INTERRUPT-LEVEL* = -1 CCL::NBLOCKS = 1 CCL::POS = 12 CCL::I = 0 CCL::VERSION = 65357 Catch-tags: NIL 5: (CCL::ATTEMPT-LOAD)