Hello, Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask ... I’m using the ‘osicat’ package ( https://common-lisp.net/project/osicat/ <https://common-lisp.net/project/osicat/> and https://github.com/osicat/osicat <https://github.com/osicat/osicat> ) in SBCL on OSX. whenever I do ‘(asdf:load-system “osicat”) it seems to recompile the cffi-grovel-files and their dependencies. Is this normal, or is there some way to make it behave like asdf usually does, that it recompiles only when a file has changed? I know that this issue has 3 components (asdf, cffi, and osicat), but I thought I’d first check whether this is an unavoidable feature of using grovel files. If not, I can try to fix osicat. Here are some of the compilation messages: https://pastebin.com/GKArFCWc <https://pastebin.com/GKArFCWc> JK