13 Feb
13 Feb
4:34 a.m.
On 13/02/07, Edgar Gonçalves <edgar.goncalves@gmail.com> wrote:
,----- | (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :cffi) | | (cffi:define-foreign-library odbc | (:windows (:or "odbc32.dll")) | (t (:default "odbc32.dll"))) | | (cffi:defcfun ("SQLAllocHandle" sql-handle) :short) | | (sql-handle) `-----
OK, yes, you need to load the library before the defcfun. Some lisps won't mind but others do. They'll all complain by the time the call to sql-handle is evaluated though. Why aren't you loading the library? What are you trying to accomplish? What am I missing? -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/