* Luís Oliveira <CAB-HnLSGQUdZzNc_KN6nZkMvMMp-qOxR_OfHTuC-y7jfe39FPA@mail.gmail.com> Wrote on Sat, 15 Feb 2020 15:35:00 +0000
Thanks for testing. Could you send a pull request?
[Sorry for the delay - I was waiting to figure out how to use github v4 to clone the repository into my space so I could submit a PR. I finally figured out I couldn't] Unfortunately I didn't run the tests before I sent my message. Now that I did run them I notice that proposed fix introduces 9 unexpected failures: STRUCT.NESTED-SETF, STRUCT.ALIGNMENT.1-8 struct s_s_ch the_s_s_ch = { 2, { 1 } }; (defcvar "the_s_s_ch" s-s-ch) -> *s-s-ch* gets translated to a list. So fixing DEFCTYPE probably wouldn't cut it. The earlier proposal of a TRANSLATE-FROM-FOREIGN method on FOREIGN-TYPEDEF works. But the questions I had regardingthat are still unanswered. Here is is a test in structs.lisp for to test that: ;; Test if a field defined by a typedef is translated by default to a ;; lisp object (defcstruct struct-pair-plus-one-a (p (:struct struct-pair)) (c :int)) (defcstruct struct-pair-plus-one-b (p struct-pair-typedef1) (c :int)) (defcfun ("make_pair_plus_one" make-pair-plus-one-a) (:struct struct-pair-plus-one-a) (a :int) (b :int) (c :int)) (defcfun ("make_pair_plus_one" make-pair-plus-one-b) (:struct struct-pair-plus-one-b) (a :int) (b :int) (c :int)) (deftest struct-values.fsbv.1 (let ((a (make-pair-plus-one-a 1 2 3))) (values (getf a 'p) (getf a 'c))) (1 . 2) 3) (deftest struct-values.fsbv.2 (let ((b (make-pair-plus-one-b 1 2 3))) (values (getf b 'p) (getf b 'c))) (1 . 2) 3) Let me know what you think
On Sat, Feb 15, 2020, 1:40 PM Madhu <enometh@meer.net> wrote:
* Luís Oliveira Wrote on Fri, 14 Feb 2020 11:24:08 +0000
I can't check right now, but I wonder if the TYPEP check in DEFCTYPE should be checking for TRANSLATABLE-FOREIGN-TYPE instead of ENHANCED-FOREIGN-TYPE?
Yes, making that change also fixes the problem. Impressive. Thanks,